Management Structure
The management of ASTERIX is straightforward to allow efficient decision making. The management structure is visualised in the figure below and consists of an:
- Executive Board (EB)
- Advisory Board (AB)
- Ethics Advisory Board (EAB)
- Support Office and Project Manager
- Work Package Teams
- Stakeholder forum including Patient Thank Tank
Executive Board
The Executive Board consists of one representative per partner organization, is chaired by the principal investigator Kit Roes and co-chaired by Armin Koch. The board is responsible for the overall oversight of the ASTERIX project.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board consists of senior experts representing clinical, science, industry and regulatory perspectives. The board will provide expert advice on key open project decisions, general philosophy and direction of ASTERIX. It will also be instrumental in dissemination and exploitation of project result as well as quality of deliverables and overall project status.
Ethics Advisory Board
The Ethics Advisory Board covers expertise in clinical research ethics, data protection and privacy matters. It will guide the project in matters of re-use of data, data protection and submission of research proposals involving patients or their representatives to ethical review boards.
Support Office and Project Manager.jpg)
The Support Office is the central day-to-day management office, located at the premises of UMC Utrecht. The Project Manager, Caroline van Baal, serves as a first contact for practical and scientific questions.
Work Package Teams
At the operational level, WP Teams are responsible for an effective and efficient implementation of the work associated with a specific work package. A WP Team consists of a WP Leader, directing investigators of the consortium partners who are active in that work package, and researchers who are expert scientists in the area.
Stakeholder forum including Patient Think Tank
ASTERIX will communicate regularly with stakeholders of the project for dissemination reasons. A Patient Think Tank will be set up and will be consulted both on an ad hoc basis and in regular workshops. Stakeholders have no formal decision power in the project (only guidance). They can be consulted on WP level and on strategic decision level.